Friday, December 11, 2009

What is more valuable than Gold?

Plants grow from seeds. You know that. You may not know how to plant seeds but if things turn bad you will learn. What you should know is that there are three types of seeds. Genetically modified, hybrid, and heirloom.

Modified is beyond the scope of my comments. Let that stand for itself.

Hybrid, which is the type generally found in a typical seed source have been messed with to grow better in hot areas, cold areas, dry areas, have even seed stalks to make it easy for the tractor to collect them or whatever. The important thing about hybrid seeds is that they are infertile and you cannot take the seeds from the produce and replant them. Nothing will happen.

The last kind is called Heirloom. These are natural non-modified seeds which you can take the product and save some to replant next year as in the old days. Heirloom seeds are very rare and literally worth their weight in gold, or even more. Obviously you want Heirloom IF you can find them.

Good luck

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