Friday, December 11, 2009

Think things are Bad Now?

Rush Limbaugh has found it more profitable to flatter the interests of the rich. So have most others. This blog, given privately and free of charge is designed to help those without excess capital make it through the terrible times coming. And they are going to be terrible. The official announcement that there will be no cola for the next two years is a harbinger that the fact that the dollar is over valued by at least 75% and may be allowed to come down to it's real value in that two years would be no surprise. What that means to the working man or woman is that prices will quadruple whereas wages will not.

Therefore, if you think thinks are bad now, consider having only a quarter of your spending money 2 years from now. There are people predicting food riots and mayhem and governmental efforts to maintain order if such occurs is not unreasonable.

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