Friday, December 11, 2009

Are we just being fattened up for the Slaughter?

Video games and hamburgers are not essential when just trying to stay alive is the primary goal. Most people don't even think about such things. They think television and gasoline are primary but they are so very, very wrong. Let me make a few suggestions.

Whether you want to have guns is your decision.

You cannot live very long without water and you cannot count on the city water supply to keep working. Obviously long lasting food is important and there are many options that do not need refrigeration as you can't count on electricity either.

Let me suggest something though that may surprise you, though. You can last a while without food or water, but you cannot last long in the cold. Keep a lot of warm clothing and blankets around to make up for the lack of heat.

When making plans, bear in mind it's better to remain at home with the doors locked and the lights out hoping no one knows you're even there than roaming around checking on how things are outside. You really don't want to know how things are outside until all has settled down

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